Mozilla Feeds on Rival's Woes
Birmingham, UK
Following on from last weeks news that the U.S CERT had issued a strong warning stating that web surfers should stop using Microsoft's Internet Explorer browser in favour of a more secure, or rather a less at risk alternative, it has been reported that downloads of the Mozilla and Firefox web browser spiked significantly on the day this warning was announced.
Source: Wired"Mozilla and Firefox downloads have increased steadily since last fall, with the Firefox user base doubling every few months, as more people seem to have reached their threshold level of frustration dealing with problems with IE and Windows, and have found the Mozilla software a good solution to solving those problems," said Hofmann. "CERT's recommendation is just a reflection of the trend we have seen for quite some time." Security experts said Mozilla's lack of ActiveX support makes the browser more secure than IE. ActiveX was intended to allow websites to add multimedia and interactive features, but has lately been used to slide spyware onto PCs without the user's knowledge or explicit consent.
oh well i finaly got my mom to use firefox