UK ISP Bulldog offers 4MB ADSL for £30
Birmingham, UK reports that Bulldog have announced a new 4Mb service for their LLU customers.
Source: to 400 kbps from your PC to the Internet (upstream bandwidth). That's nearly 65% faster than standard 256 kbps
-This service does not have a data download or upload limit
-There are no additional charges irrespective of usage
I'm not that offay with how Bulldog have things set up in the London exchanges but I don't think BT will be able to hold out much longer with only offering 1meg lines.
only if i lived in the uk...
44 Euros
55 USD dollars
About time we had something done about this. US suppliers offer more for less. One guy I talk to has a 10MB Wirelss coneccton for $70!!!! Another gets 4MB on cable for about $40/50. :banghead: