who's actually doing this anyways? last I checked the Doom 3 engine was meant for Doom 3, not for the excessive licencing that the Quake 3 engine was for.
who's actually doing this anyways? last I checked the Doom 3 engine was meant for Doom 3, not for the excessive licencing that the Quake 3 engine was for.
If id doesn't make a move, The Unreal 3 engine is going to take up a lot of limelight (provided they do allow devs to license it, which I hope). Even though id is pretty established, I don't think they'd like to see Epic taking up all the attention.
ID is like the silent giant, they dont say much but their have almost flawless products, Q3A has like 2 patches and its all of 5 years old and games still use it, competition has DEFINTLY tightend around them but i think the Doom3 engine is going to revolutionary, ID is good at that. look at the HL engine and Deus Ex engine out when Q3 came out
If id doesn't make a move, The Unreal 3 engine is going to take up a lot of limelight (provided they do allow devs to license it, which I hope). Even though id is pretty established, I don't think they'd like to see Epic taking up all the attention.