i power up and i go through all my bios screens and when i get to were the windows load screen should be its just black. no error screens or anything. tried reseting bios, checked cables, unplugged,... nothing.
Have you tried booting up the machine in "Safe Mode"? You may have some issues with drivers that aren't happy.
When you boot, just after the BIOS display screen, tap "F8" which should bring up a Windows Boot screen giving you some choices. Arrow down to "Safe Mode" and then see if you can boot into Windows. If you can, chances are you have some driver issues. If you have just installed or updated some software, you may want to roll back your drivers to the previous versions in which you were able to boot normally.
When you boot, just after the BIOS display screen, tap "F8" which should bring up a Windows Boot screen giving you some choices. Arrow down to "Safe Mode" and then see if you can boot into Windows. If you can, chances are you have some driver issues. If you have just installed or updated some software, you may want to roll back your drivers to the previous versions in which you were able to boot normally.