iPods pose security risk for enterprises
Birmingham, UK
The iPod may be popular, but it apparently also poses such a major security risk for businesses, that enterprises should seriously consider banning the iPod and other portable storage devices, according to a study by research firm Gartner Inc.
Source: InfoWorldGartner advised companies to forbid employees and external contractors with direct access to corporate networks from using these privately owned devices with corporate PCs. Companies should also consider a "desktop lockdown policy," disabling universal plug and play functions after installing desired drivers, to permit the use of only authorized devices.
They system admin has probably locked the systems down and unless you want to hack his admin user id and password, it's not likely to happen.
you would get fired, end of story
Higlight all the music files by dragging your cursor over them or pressing Ctrl-A in the folder. Then press the DELETE key. That will get them off your computer
Ohhhh, you want to get them home with you...... Well, that's different.....
Not likely. If extenal storage devices have been disabled from your systems, likely your company already has an internet "acceptable use" policy, and I am guessing that downloading music from a P2P app isn't part of company policy. If you are on good terms with the System Admin, ask him/her for permission to copy these, if you are not worried about getting in trouble for having them there in the first place. If you are starting to think "ya, meybe I could get in trouble for this", then delete them all, uninstall the P2P app, and do your downloading at home.