Sil 3112R SATA raid setup prolems

Wise-guyWise-guy Cambridge
edited July 2004 in Science & Tech

I am trying to set up a RAID0 SATA array on my girlfriend's computer. Set-up is ASUSP4R800-VM with PCI SATA RAID card Silicon Image Sil3112R. For the moment this is all I've installed.

Whenever I have the SATA card in, the Windows installer hangs after loading all the drivers :mean: (with or without the SATA drivers loaded) when it reaches the "Welcome to Setup" screen at the "ENTER=Continue R=Repair F3=Quit" prompt. The only way out from here is hard reset. :banghead:

I tried removing the card and setting it all up with a normal IDE drive which all went smoothly. :thumbsup: The system then boots fine with the SATA in place; no problem to install the drivers and the RAID utility BUT - windows doesn't 'see' the RAID array as a drive (it shows it in device manager but says it isn't initialised and both drives report as fully functional from the RAID utility.) I must admit to being something of a novice when it comes to such matters but I was expecting a "format" option when I right click the array in device manager ..

** Follow up ** - OK, I found Diskmngr still exists in XP and once I tried to format it with that (it hung when it tried to write the FAT!) then uninstalled and reinstalled the drives (phew :whatever: urghhh!!!) then I could 'see' it in windows explorer and format it from there.

** SOoooo.... now I can see the array and write to it etc. etc. but when I try an install, even launching from the XP instllation on the other drive, it STILL hangs in the same place.. aaaarrrrgh! **

** So now I'll try and image the other drive onto the array and see if it'll boot up off the array when I'm done **

I read somewhere that SATA PCI cards can conflict with legacy USB drivers so I disabled legacy USB support in BIOS but to no avail.

Any ideas?


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