My farm (including SM17) will be down for the weekend

qparadoxqparadox Vancouver, BC
edited July 2004 in Folding@Home
I'm doing *another* room change and much of my network will be down for at least the rest of today and if things get screwed up possibly tomorrow. I've more or less run out of space so I'm attempting to ghetto-rack everything so my room becomes my room again (instead of a second computer room :P).


  • edited July 2004
    Ghetto-rack it, you won't be sorry :)

  • qparadoxqparadox Vancouver, BC
    edited July 2004
    Its back up, my camera is 600km away with my family for the next couple weeks, but i'll try to borrow a buddies' and take a couple pics. I've gotta buy some bigger zip tipes to finish it up tomorrow ... otherwise its done :).
  • dragonV8dragonV8 not here much New
    edited July 2004
    That was quick. Must have had a sweet run, setting it back up. WooHoo.

    I'm supposed to sort Sally's puters out this week coming. General tidy up, especially the network and KVM cabling. Last time i tried it, we lost the use of 3 puters for ages.
    Since then we added some more. Here's hoping for a simular sweet run like yours.
  • qparadoxqparadox Vancouver, BC
    edited July 2004
    Yep I had 0 problems setting it back up, but I've decided to get another rack and go for double rackage. I got this one for cheap but I found a bigger one from that same company that should fit 4 computers / shelf. You know you have too many computers when ....
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