guess the # of posts per day/week

ArmoArmo Mr. Nice Guy Is Dead,Only Aqua Remains Member
edited July 2004 in Community
i think we should have a poll and see how many posts SM can get in a 24hr time period, ( perhaps week? ) i just noticed the 192 members active we should have some sort of cow bingo game that restarts every day

i dont know if the software that the servers use can tally them up every day but i think it would be fun to see the # of posts we get

the thread should be emptied daily while we keep a list of the top guessers of #'s of posts

codeheads, is that possibly i think shorty, or MM or prime wouls be the 1's to talk to

but what does every 1 else think?

perhaps some kind of prize could be given to the person that can guess closest for X ammount of times
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