3) Go into the folder and you will find a file called my-small .. open in notepad
4) There is a chance that it wont open, this is because windows misunderstands the files extension. This file you would edit and then rename as my.ini. To make your life easier, I've attached a zip with a premade my.ini for you
5) Edit the my.ini (or your own my-small) and look for (or something similar):
basedir = I:/mysql/
datadir = I:/mysql/data/
Change the paths to reflect the path those directories.. eg.. if you used C:/mysql
Change the paths to:
basedir = C:/mysql/
datadir = C:/mysql/data/
6) Copy to your windows directory.
7) Start menu-> run -> cmd
8) type: c:\mysql\bin\mysqld-nt.exe --install
A message will then flick up telling you it's successfully installed the service..
9) Then type: net start mysql
Ya done. To test type:
c:\mysql\bin\mysql -uroot
in a dos window. That should change the prompt to say
exit and a ; (exit;)
to get out (or close the window).
That will get you started, but I recommend getting in there and setting a root password!
2) Download and unzip to something like C:/mysql
3) Go into the folder and you will find a file called my-small .. open in notepad
4) There is a chance that it wont open, this is because windows misunderstands the files extension. This file you would edit and then rename as my.ini. To make your life easier, I've attached a zip with a premade my.ini for you
5) Edit the my.ini (or your own my-small) and look for (or something similar):
basedir = I:/mysql/
datadir = I:/mysql/data/
Change the paths to reflect the path those directories.. eg.. if you used C:/mysql
Change the paths to:
basedir = C:/mysql/
datadir = C:/mysql/data/
6) Copy to your windows directory.
7) Start menu-> run -> cmd
8) type: c:\mysql\bin\mysqld-nt.exe --install
A message will then flick up telling you it's successfully installed the service..
9) Then type: net start mysql
Ya done. To test type:
c:\mysql\bin\mysql -uroot
in a dos window. That should change the prompt to say
exit and a ; (exit;)
to get out (or close the window).
That will get you started, but I recommend getting in there and setting a root password!
i also downloaded mysql administrator, and it says i'm not allowed to connect to the mysql server. is there some reason for this?
(note, i did take a class for mysql so i know the very basics.)
mysql -uroot
That should get you in.
Then type:
set password for root@localhost = password ('passwordyouwanttosetforrootuser');
Change: passwordyouwanttosetforrootuser for what you want the root password to be
Then exit.
Then to test it type:
mysql -uroot -p
and hit enter, it will then ask you for the root password you just set
Santax error... you must have gotten the poorly-translated Asian version. Try to spell some of the words wrong, like "passrord" or something.
Unfortunately, I can't help either.
Try it with case sensitivity, it shouldn't matter.. but hey..