problems to install modem binatone adsl in fedora core1
I am a beginner in linux, just I have installed linux fedora core1, but when I try to install the modem, a binatone adsl 500, I install the drivers for red hat but I I can make the compilation. If somebody can help me, Thanks in advance.
Linux has both normal CDs, which are precompiled code, and Source Code CDs. First (and most major)pre-req for compiling anything to do with kernel is to have kernel source installed. You will get a ton of errors without kernel source installed. That is the one most common reason for a compile failure of a driver.
Second most common is to have kernel source, but not for the kernel you are compiling the driver for (wrong kernel source). Knowing the errors would be nice too, but with a kernel module compile it is normally done in a scrolling tty session. Result from no or wrong kernel source installed when building a driver into a kernel with compiler involved would be typically 3-4 screens of errors, and they are not normally captured by default. Easiest way to capture is to redirect console\tty output to a text file, by piping it.
Linux can use ' > ./ADSL500_Error.txt' to pipe output to a text file, just stick that string on end of your command (append what is in single quotes to end of command string). Then find it with Konqueror or Nautilus, and open it and cut-and-paste here, or just attach the file.
If you are lost with how to compile, simply go to
and search for
Compile +HowTo +Fedora +One
There are several tutorials that show with that search, most over 5-6 screens long, with good details on HowTo.