State To Shadow Parolees With GPS
Seven contractors have expressed interest in the state's $2.5 million pilot project that would use a global positioning system, or GPS, to keep track of violent sex offenders that have been paroled.
Source: eWeek
Good law enforcement to keep us safe or is it "Big Brother" going into areas he has no business being? This should stir some debate at the least. -KFThe tracking technology was first used in Florida in late 1990s to keep track of released felons, and some cities and counties in other states utilize GPS for similar uses. The Tennessee project will not be used statewide for at least a year after it begins early in 2005. It will be focused in Memphis and Nashville and other parts of the state's three grand divisions.
Source: eWeek
If you HAVE to register, then make them register by GPS... You break the law, you pay the price.
Besides, GPS only locates you, it doesn't listen to your conversation, it doesn't prohibit you from doing anything, it just means they can find you and where you've been to assist in law enforcement...
- my 2 cents -
If we have to take these extraordinarily invasive measures to track people, just because they will "probably do it again", then that speaks volumes about the state of our criminal justice system. Instead of spending all this money and invading the privacy of a potentially innocent person, why don't we work harder to either imprison violent sex offenders on a longer term basis, or rehabilitate them if they can be? This is a band-aid measure that says "We can't fix the problem, so we'll just throw money at it".
In the long run the charges were dropped when the mother of the girl and the girl didn't wanted charges filed but the states attorney pursued it. No one would testify for the States Attorney... he dropped all charges.
My point, if he would have been charged and found guilty, he would have been a sexual predator. Now, you put him in the same class as the sicko that messes with little girls and boys.... Not fair. But the court doesn't see a difference. You do the time and get out but you are labeled forever...
I'm mixed on the GPS, I guess....