need help w/ bestfriends.scr
i was following the steps with your bestfriends.scr removal guide, when i came to a step that i can't do. after identifying the files that was causing the virus, i then rebooted in safe mode and tried to run "cmd". but, my computer doesn't recognize that program, or something because i can't access it. help?
i entered "cd %systemroot%\system32" (excluding quotation marks)
..and i get: invalid directory (?)
also, the evil files that i found via HJT are:
C: \windows\system\MSGINAV.EXE
HKLM\..\Run:[Microsoft Gina V Encryption] MSGINAV.EXE
HKCU\..\RunOnce:[Microsoft Gina V Encryption] MSGINAV.EXE
now, after i get the step 8, part 2 problem solved, my question is, do i type the entire file names (step 8, part 3), including the C:, HKLM, HKCU, and all the stuff in the brackets?
and try just c:\windows or c:\windows\system\ instead of \system32.
I'm working on a Batch file which would do all of this for you... dunno when it will be done though as my batch file making skills have gone 8 years unused...