iTV: The Next Killer App?
Internet News discusses what may be the next "got to have" application/applications: Interactive Television.
Source: InternetNews
I don't see it as being a killer app as most of the mechanisms are already in place to accomplish what iTV wants to. It just makes it a little easier. -KFImagine never having to reach for the phone again when you want to order a pizza. Just a few clicks on your television's remote control is all that stands between you and your piping-hot delivery. This is interactive television (iTV) and it's local telephone company CT Communications' take on the future of home delivery. Using its recently installed IP (define) network as the framework, the Columbus, Ohio, company is testing out a new iTV offering dubbed "Dinner and a Movie." Brian Strunk, CT Communication's director of marketing and sales, said his company has something it can use to compete against the other telephone and cable companies in the area. With a Fujitsu Siemens set-top box, Myrio's user interface and the online ordering and data delivery capabilities of NeoNova Networks, CT has designed a service to turn the television as we know it into something more than just a box.
Source: InternetNews