
Hi!...Something different is happening when I go to pay my credit card online...you just helped with with all my spyware...don't know if this has something to do with it. When I go to hit "make payment" for my credit card, it redirects me to another window and on the top it says "about:blank microsoft explorer". Then I have to do my payment in this screen. The caption does change to my pay bills caption instantly after the about:blank comes up. It was never that way before I had all the other problems. I used to pay it directly in the first screen. Should I be concerned about this and how do I change it back??? Thanks for any help you can give me! :buck: lol


  • primesuspectprimesuspect Beepin n' Boopin Detroit, MI Icrontian
    edited July 2004
    Read this. I would suggest using a different browser. Internet Explorer is so unsecure, it's a joke. I highly recommend using Mozilla FireFox as your browser. You won't have to worry about this kind of stuff.

    If you MUST use IE, you can click Tools --> Options to get to the place where you can change your home page. Change it to something different, like http://www.short-media.com/forum instead :D
  • edited July 2004
    Great article - thanks alot. After having so much spyware problems i've actually gotten really interested in this stuff and now i'm a computer junkie. Love to read any kind of info that helps me learn more. I'm gonna print it out. Downloaded Firefox, but my address bar is somehow set to do a MSN search and i can't find out why. Checked everywhere. The icons near my saved files have changed to Firefox from IE though. Did a search on "search" like you said in the article and all the crap i deleted long ago was there in the archives. Someone told me there's a bug in Windows so that that stuff never ever goes away. All the Ezula, Lycos, Kazaa, porn is still in the archive. I guess i gotta live with that... :thumbsup: Thanks!
  • primesuspectprimesuspect Beepin n' Boopin Detroit, MI Icrontian
    edited July 2004
    To be frank, whoever told you that doesn't know what they are talking about :)

    I think by "archives" he or she meant the system restore points. The easiest thing to do to dump your restore points is to turn off system restore and then turn it back on. It will delete all your restore points.

    Nothing has to "stay in the archives".....

    To change your home page in FireFox, click tools --> options --> general and type in whatever you want your homepage to be. The reason it is MSN is because that was what your IE homepage was, and you must have told FireFox to import IE preferences.
  • edited July 2004
    Sounds great...how do you shut off SR? My homepage is set to home.bellsouth.net and has always been. When I downloaded Firefox, it don't remember exactly what it said but it just asked one question like do you want to use it in place of something else and i said yes.
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