3 Site Design Ideas
I am curious what you guys think of these site design ideas I made last night, which you like better, and of course why. Any comments or suggestions would be great for this beginner.
My first idea...
My second idea...
My third idea...
//EDIT://(changed first to third)... sorry for any confusion
FYI, the music will stream using a built in media player I am working on in Director, you'll see in the third one; which is a more complete idea; that there is a play button next to the music, all alone, that is where the media player will be, but it's still an idea in progress.
My first idea...
My second idea...
My third idea...
//EDIT://(changed first to third)... sorry for any confusion
FYI, the music will stream using a built in media player I am working on in Director, you'll see in the third one; which is a more complete idea; that there is a play button next to the music, all alone, that is where the media player will be, but it's still an idea in progress.
//Edit: Nevermind...
//Edit 2: I like #1
Sorry about that, didn't expect any of that.
I like the second one best. It looks 'cleaner' and easier to read. It's more obvious what's on offer. All nice though.
Also, if you don't mind a little constructive criticism, I think the gray bars on the top and the bottom are too thick. If you trim them down a little bit, it will provide more room for your main info.
Overall, i reallly like your color choice as it is easy to look at. Also the <i>gestalt</i> is nice in the first one, meaning that the entire design works well as a whole. Keep working at it and you will have a very nice, clean interface.
Good luck!
BTW, yeah it is similar to others, maybe, but who I am making this for is all about the eye candy. The customer gets what they want. I used the same image in the background for then all(the abstract looking boxes), just becuase I needed to build these quick. I built them all so that I can EASILY change the color and almost any detail at a moments notice, so if there is redundancy, remember it is a PrePro module
I see alot of potential in #2 myself, but I worked on it the least when I thought of another idea. These are still very new and I forsee them changing alot based on all of your input so far. New ideas have come to mind, and the first one, well I am going to use it for my own site. Unless another idea I am working on now comes out better.
#3 wouldbe my second choice, but I think both #2 and #3 are a little dark. If you can pump some of that brighter blue into those ones, they would grab people a bit better, in my opinion.
Nice work RWB
Gestalt is german, and it is a graphic design term. It basically means that all individual parts/aspects are working together to form a well-designed whole. No distracting elements or other incongruities. In other words, unity of design.
In order to have gestalt, a work needs to be pleasing to the eye, and your eye needs to flow evenly over the whole piece. Goes along with form follows function...it's a german logic thing and all.......ever heard of Bauhuas?
Guess I didn't