Nvidia Geforce 6800 128MB Reference Review
Pasco, WA | USA
Hardware Ave. Takes a look at the Nvidia GeForce 6800 to review and compare it to older Video cards.
Source: HardAvenueThe 6800 series from Nvidia so far seems to be designed and organised much better than their GeforceFX series when concerning the Ultra and GT. The GeforceFX started out as a disaster with the 5800Ultra and only managed to match ATi's offering late in its cycle, whilst the 6800 series appears to have a much stronger presence from the start with not only an impressive feature set but also true high end speed. As is the trend with videochip launches now days, Nvidia have opted to quickly release value versions along with the high end versions of their latest chip, which is what we're checking out here today - the plain old, mid range market targeted Nvidia Geforce 6800. Does it have a place in Nvidia's latest lineup?
I can't wait for mine to arrive.
The GeForce 6800 Ultra is the one that competes with the x800xt. and that is just as expensive...
IMO the GeForce 6800 is a great buy if you want a new fast card and dont have a million bucks.
//EDIT: on second thought, i stand by my original ruling. Competes with 9800xt. 9800 Pro can almost always get to an xt. Get a pro, flash, overclock, and viola. Saved yourself a hundred bucks...
TheSMJ has it right: Best cheap(er) card is the BFG 6800GT (or any 6800GT). 16 pipes. Clocked 50 MHz Core / 100 MHz DDR Memory slower than the 6800U.
Buy 6800GT. Overclock. Get 6800U performance. Sweet deal
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