Gromacs in linux.

Ever sence I installed linux and have been using the only thing the client seems to grab is tinkers, and yes I am using the -advmethods and -forceasm flags. Anyone know whats up, or are they just releasing a lot of beta tinker units. This was brought to my attention by folding addict as he so atiquantly pointed out, "Slick where the hell are your folders! Only 9 points per week!"
What server is it connecting to to get WUs?
The WU you have should be on .112???
But mmonnin has a point-- right now those are being handled by .143 . But, 143 was down a while back. Hmmm.... Logs..... One sec, gotta grep something-- no, all of the 638 and 639's I got after June 19 came from .143.
What I have done is this, though-- found end of a WU log, seen what server gave me next WU, and figured that is where previous WU came from. Quite a few times, second or third look up near beginning of WU record in log proved I was wrong.
Not saying that is so here, but might want to double check as to if .112 is where it came from.