What would you do?
So this guy walks into my competitors shop - he did not know about me
and asked them to build him the best gaming PC they could. He gave them £1000 and said that will get them started and will bring another £1000 when they have finished - it must include a monitor and kb/mouse etc - the works. This may be BS from my competitor trying to wind me up but it got me thinking... What would I build for £2000 (3700USD)
So what would you build with £2k including all the bits - Monitor - Speakers - mouse etc?

So what would you build with £2k including all the bits - Monitor - Speakers - mouse etc?
where i'd waste most of my money would be on a 30" 1920x1288 native lcd
One of my good friends just bought a REALLY good machine for the upcomming CPL for under 2 grand USD. It had all the bells and whistles any true gamer would ever want... 3400+ A64, Geforce 6800 GT, 2 x 74 gig RAPTORS, etc.
Even if I built my dream machine on a $3700 budget, I would prob have some jack left over.
Top end is very stiff.
This soaks up the cash and it has a CRT, not LCD with it.
for exaple the monitor they picked, i have the same exact one, i got it for around 530, they listed it as 670.