Free Game Engine?
Me and some guys are looking into developing a game, possibly a company, I am curious if anyone knows of any free game engines, maybe open source?
Why not just develope a mod for a current game and use that engine? Maybe a mod for Unreal 2 or UT2k4?
At least it'll let you work on defining your style.
This was my idea, but me and another was looking at Far Cry and modding that if possible. UT2K4 was the original idea though. We want to develope a BattleTech game, a good one.
there she is...and it looks like they have a new one for $150...
This is gonna be so much fun, my eyes are watering from it all! YAY! haha
A friend of mine, a very rich friend of mine, once said
"SUCCESS is the best revenge"
I know how you feel. Given the current state of mind you're in, check this out:
If you look at back issues of Rolling Stone, about 3-4 month's worth, you'll find a really insghtful article by the US Senator John McCain. in it, he spoke of the difference between anger and outrage.
LOOSELY paraphrased- "Anger is an immature, self-destructive emotion that clouds rational, clear-thinking responses and impairs long-term thinking. Outrage, on the other hand, is a much more sustainable, liberating emotion that allows a focus and tenacity unobtainable when gripped by anger..." I felt that this was one of the most insightful ideas ever created by a politician.