How do you get infected?
SoCal, USA
It amazes me the amount of posts in this forum. How do you people get infected like that?
I browse the web left and right including porno sites and I don't get any of that sh*t, I don't understand.
It can't be just because I'm behind a router, can it?
I browse the web left and right including porno sites and I don't get any of that sh*t, I don't understand.
It can't be just because I'm behind a router, can it?
I bet they're gaming sites, chat rooms, music/files sharing or some stuff like that huh?
I go to dozens of websites a day, and have for over 10 years. I have NEVER been infected with spyware. <b>NEVER</b>.
So what kind of lame crap are people going to?
I just can't imagine peolple saying 'yes' to stuff that they don't know anything about.
Oh well, at least the ones that do say 'yes' but later regret it, have a place like this forum to come for help.
Faithfully, Adaware and Spybot 1.3. I get a few tracking cookies, which I wipe regularly.
No infections. Not one. And I refuse to use anything but IE, too.
Weather Bug is another one...The point is if you'd read the EULA you'd see that this crap is being installed in your system by you by allowing the main item you wanted (that Bridget Fonda screensaver perhaps) to be installed in the first place.
It's like this, 1% of the freeware out there is out there just to be there by guys that love doing it and want to make the world a better place, the other 99% is out there to make the almighty dollar (rubel, rupee, ducket, pound or whatever the writers monetary system is) first and formost and the useful tidbit you're after (that Rico Suave' desktop theme) is just the bait to get you to download the crap you don't want.
Yeah, there are sites that force this garbage upon us by way of trojans and/or worms but the sad truth is that most of this crap comes from the willing use by the ill-informed.
Use good spyware protection, run a firewall, use good anti-virus protection but most importantly make user profiles for the noob's that use your computer with limited status and put a password for any admin level user and don't let the noobs have the password.
They can't install software without getting an admin password and you can go over what they're trying to install and decide whether they need it or not.
Just a bit of advice I've found that works rather well but can be a strain upon your marriage
The base core of regulars are SIGNIFICANTLY more versed in the ways of avoiding such things.
I think because we're surrounded by like minded people we forget the 'mainstream' users couldn't even connect to the internet if you removed that blue E from their desktop.
It's sad, but true.
Having said that I'm going to make Bonzai Buddy talk some more.
I love that little purple monkey almost as much as I like that cute little crocodile in my GATOR folder.
Fold on.
Especially cute.
Oh god, I hate cute.