Crime Fighting Robot

A Japanese Company named "Secom" has developed a Crime fighting robot. Secom says this robot can not only detect burglars, but it can also chase them at speeds of 10mph
Source: The inquirer
real scary stuff...JAPANESE FIRM Secom has shown off a robot which it claims will not only detect burglars but follow them at speeds of 10 miles an hour.
Today's Nihon Keizai Shimbun reports that the machine, which weighs 120 kilogrammes, uses a car battery and will pursue intruders for up to 24 kilometres.
The report said that the robot can also billow out smoke, flash lights and make noises at the burglars.
Source: The inquirer
all fear the crazy kung fu grip...
Hey RWb where did you see that grip. i haven't found any pics of this thing. BTW am i the only one that thinks about Johnny 5 when i hear about this.
hehe, yeah.... good times.
I never would have figured somoene wouldn't know what I was talking about, it was GI JOE and other great action figures... boy, I can't stop laughing about this either
Make it talk like austin powers and say "judo chop" when it comes at you would the ultimate baby yeah...