Revenge of the Sith is a better ****ing title than "Attack of the Clones" was. Damn, Attack of the Clones sounded like a Warner Brother's B movie from 1952.
Every single Star Wars film was excellent and I love them. Especially the first and second. I am sure The third episode will also be extraordinary and I can't wait till it comes out. Keep up the good work George Lucas!!!
I am still awaiting for the promised good prequel, I still have a chance with Episode III. TPM and AOTC are mediocre and hyperbolicaly climatic movies that didn't live to the hype around them.
The prequels were made for kids, tweens, and male teenagers.
Love the first three with a pathological attachment...
Phantom Menace & Clones... meh.
I hope George Lucas has something special lined up that will surprise us all or this will "revenge of the CG".
Love the first three with a pathological attachment...
Phantom Menace & Clones... meh.
I hope George Lucas has something special lined up that will surprise us all or this will "revenge of the CG".
I hope he sorts this one out and doesnt screw it up like the last two.
Lucas is the effects boy, Spielberg was the story man. Thats why the prequels suck. No Spielberg.
But why wont we see it untill next may.
The prequels were made for kids, tweens, and male teenagers.
i must agree with matt on this one