How I Blocked Omegasearch
After reviewing posts on this board about riding my computer of omegasearch with no prevail, I took an easy approach that has worked for my computer in successfully blocking both omegasearch toolbars on the top and bottom of my homepage. First off, to delete the omegasearch toolbar on the top of the screen, right-click on it & type in the # code to take it off the screen. If you have the toolbar at the bottom of the screen click the x to take it off. Then go into TOOLS-INTERNET OPTIONS... First set your homepage to BLANK, then click SECURITY-click RESTRICTED SITES-click SITES & type in omegasearch.com & click okay. Then go into PRIVACY & down to WEB SITES- click EDIT & type in the same address once again. (I also put in lop.com).Click BLOCK & then OKAY. Once that is done I reset my homepage (I use Yahoo) in INTERNET OPTIONS and that was it. Omegasearch hasn't returned since, although it will still be registered in your computer, you just won't see it anymore. I also have my security settings set high. Hope this helps for other omegasearch sufferers.
As for the program doing "nothing" for you, then you likely have the newer version of the hijack, which started appearing very shortly after we released the Omegakiller application. However, we are working on version 1.1 right now, which should be available very soon. So, we can either help you remove it manually via an HJT log as Nomad indicated, or you can wait a couple of days for the updated version.
Either way, as pointed out, your technique will hide the domains, but leaves the processes active on your system, eating up memory resources (several megabytes) and slowing your system down. If that is okay with you, fine, but it is not the preferable choice for most users.