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ThatFatCat5ThatFatCat5 Minn-eee-soda
edited August 2004 in Hardware
ok. I finally got all of the parts to my system but when i start it up it doesn't view anything on the screen. I tried 2 different video cards and two monitors and nothing seems to be working. YES, the video card is connected to the monitor...

Here are my specs:
Mobo: Via P4XB-S
CPU: Intel P4 1.8 GHz 478
Memory: Samsung 256 MB 266MHz (PC2100)
Video card: Geforce4 MX 420
PSU: Some 400W one but does this one really need detail?


  • botheredbothered Manchester UK
    edited August 2004
    What, nothing at all?
  • TheBaronTheBaron Austin, TX
    edited August 2004
    are you getting post beeps?
  • ThatFatCat5ThatFatCat5 Minn-eee-soda
    edited August 2004
    No beeps, nothing on the screen. The reason i know its on is because the keyboard lights are on and the cpu cooler runs. so does the floppy. thats all i have plugged into it. (the monitor is still plugged in).
  • TheBaronTheBaron Austin, TX
    edited August 2004
    that stuff is all powered indirectly when the system power is turned on. if you hear a beep when you hit the power switch to turn it on, then that effectively eliminates your cpu from the equation. if you dont then you have one of three problems

    1) bad vid card
    2) bad cpu
    3) bad ram

    the easiest way to test would be to try all of the components individually in another system
  • ThatFatCat5ThatFatCat5 Minn-eee-soda
    edited August 2004
    can't be bad vid card cuz i tried two. I can't try my CPU in another system because of compatibility issues. and i can only test my ram if I open a system and void its warranty. so what now?
  • ThatFatCat5ThatFatCat5 Minn-eee-soda
    edited August 2004
    should i get replacements for my CPU and memory?
  • NomadNomad A Small Piece of Hell Icrontian
    edited August 2004
    If you bought this from a certain company and doing certain things will void your warranty, you should be talking to them before us.
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