Just want a poll of people with ATI cards and ABIT boards...any problems and easy or hard to fix if there were any. Getting the NF7-S everyone recommended, but worried about NVIDIA/ATI conflicts. Just want to make sure I am making the best decision for my money. Also do cases really vary? I have a good PS that I would put in it, so don't worry about that aspect. I know to get one with enough fans...I know generally you get what you pay for, but wasn't sure if it really mattered for a case...there are some cool looking ones on ebay for around $50. Thanks again everyone. I really appreciate your help. Maybe someday I can return the favor
Cases vary greatly. Construction quality, features, ease of use all vary across various models. If you want lots and lots of fans Geeky1 is the guy to ask.
(1x) NF7-S with an ATI 9800 Pro
(2x) NF7 with other ATI cards
And they are all running like champs.