Another IBM drive bites the dust!

edited August 2004 in Hardware
Well, the 120GXP that I got to replace the 75GXP I originally bought has bitten the dust, won't spin up or do anything. :banghead: :banghead: I originally bought 2-30 gig 75GXP drives back in the day when they were supposed to be hot **** and before all the failures started popping up. Both of those drives failed after 1 year of operation and I got 1 bad 75 GXP back on the first RMA, then 2-120GXP drives after that. Now, the 40 gig 120GXP drive I got on the RMA has bitten the dust and I'm just waiting for the other to go :rant: The effing warrantee expired 2 months ago too, so no go on that. :mean:

It will be a cold day in hell before I buy another 3 1/2" Hitachi hard drive, since they bought these POS drives from IBM.

I'm presently trying a repair install on a Maxtor drive I had pulled from a machine that I sold the mobo and proc to prime; hopefully this will work and I can get the machine back up and folding before I go back to work in a few hours.
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