WOW! Timings helps a lot!

My board, a 1.2V of the Nf7-s isn´t really an overclocker as it maxes out at around 205 Fsb.
It´s chipset limited at available voltages really. I have been running a pair of cheap Twinmos Pc 3700 at 5,3,3, cl2 Timings all the time and haven´t really bothered to tweak more.
After some reading on different forums, changing tras to a HIGHER number can help with bandwidth and stability.
I changed it to 11 so the timings now are 11,3,2,cl2. (changed the 3:rd as well)
This is over 500/500 more bandwidth than at 5,3,3,cl2.
Not a super high bandwith but at 205 it isn´t that bad either.
Bad image but it is 3124/2966
It´s chipset limited at available voltages really. I have been running a pair of cheap Twinmos Pc 3700 at 5,3,3, cl2 Timings all the time and haven´t really bothered to tweak more.
After some reading on different forums, changing tras to a HIGHER number can help with bandwidth and stability.
I changed it to 11 so the timings now are 11,3,2,cl2. (changed the 3:rd as well)
This is over 500/500 more bandwidth than at 5,3,3,cl2.
Not a super high bandwith but at 205 it isn´t that bad either.
Bad image but it is 3124/2966
And that's rock solid stable there Mack???
I tried changing the tras in my timings but didnt get the same jump in Sandra score as you did. In fact, I got just a very small increase. Meh, Ill stick with the 4-2-2 cl2 207fsb for the time being.
Be aware that ANY 512 stick is worse in at overclocking on Nforce2 boards. It just doesnt have the juice enough for dualbank configuration. Stay away from the Twin deals of ANY 512 sticks on Nforce2. We are checking if more caps on the memorycontroller can help though.
Is that your new pre-modded Ver.2???!!
What CPU has it got in it?? The 1700+ or the 2100+ ??
OMFG... that's a serious mofo of an overclock!
It has a modded 2100 as of now, but as soon as i can,i will try that 1700. If its not working, i have a 2100 that can do 2.6 gigs at best. I WANT 250 though. Im not giving up until i have that. Im even willing to pelt the northbridge if i have to.
And of course, credit is due where it should be, without Lasse this wouldnt be possible. That guy is a genious.
great job!!
Seems like the Winbond is at their end now. Stable though.
Keep it coming Thraxters!
What sticks have you got? 256 mb sticks is waaaay better. But you probably knew that already.
2 x 256 of Corsair XMS3200c2.
I want a gig, but it looks like I'll have to settle for 768mb of memory if I want to keep overclocking at a reasonably high level.
And here's why:
I can understand that Gargoyle.
Think it could just be increasing the tRAS to fix that? I should'nt have to increase them, as the mem is under clocked as far as it's concerned.
Thats weird,
That is supposed to be one of the best sticks for this board and i have seen millions of peeps running at over 220 fsb easily on that board on air even. Does cas 2,5 help? If it does, then try one stick at a time to see if one is worse then the other. Use maximum chipset and memory volts. Drop the multi to 8 or 9 during fsb testing.
Int - 1907MB/s
Float - 1847MB/s
A7N266-C with plain nForce with an 1800+ (or what I THOUGHT was an 1800+.. it came home running at 1.15ghz.. :banghead:
One stick of 512mb PNY PC2700 (Yeah I know.. but I bought it when I didn't care for OC'ing. I also didn't know my CPU was at 1.15ghz :banghead: ).
Your cpu is just fine but your motherboard needs to be setup properly.
Either in the bios or on the motherboard itself, there is a jumper (switch) that decides whether you run your memory bus at 100 or 133 mhz. My guess is that just by the flick of a switch, theoretically you will have a 33% faster pc.
Depending if you have the jumperfree setting enabled or not, you can change the CPU-Dram frequency setting. I think it is set at 100:100 now when it should be at 133:133. Your cpu´s multi is 11,5 and take that times 133 and you get that 1800´s REAL speed. After you have set that jumper, you probably need to change the fsb manually to 133 as well. When you have done that and you have your things running as they should do, we´ll start overclocking.
This is from your user guide:
//EDIT: I had to take it all the way up to 218MHz on 2/2/2/(6/9/11) to get 3GB/s of memory bandwidth. What went wrong?