Consumer Rights and UK Law

My buddy Ian from has a very informative and useful article on comsumer rights and the misconceptions of just what rights you have... when things go wrong...
Source: PC Review
As someone who has just been very poorly treated regarding a faulty Radeon 9800xt, this rings true.“When you buy something that turns out to be faulty, trying to argue your case with the retailer or manufacturer can be a testing experience. Despite strong laws designed to protect consumers from being “ripped off”, the advice given by retailers and manufacturers is often misleading or even downright wrong. This means the poor buyer is sent from pillar to post as they try to get a resolution. One of the consumer’s biggest enemies though, is lack of knowledge of the rights they have. Retail staff are often clueless about their legal responsibilities, and quote “company policy” as if it magically cancels out UK & European Laws. Be assured … it certainly does not.”
Source: PC Review
I hope you haven't given up those shisters at Asus though.
Find a viewsonic number (even if's foreign) and call them up. You gotta keep trying with these guys.. be relentless!