Anti-Kerry Book Defaced At Online Store
In an apparent case of Internet graffiti at an online retailer, the cover of a book critical of John Kerry's war record was altered to appear as if the tract supports the Massachusetts senator.
Source: c|netThe book cover for the anti-Kerry book "Unfit for Command" was somehow changed Monday on Web bookseller to read "Fit for Command." The rest of the information on the page appeared genuine, offering ordering information and a description of the book, which is subtitled "Swift Boat Veterans Speak Out against John Kerry." By late Monday afternoon, the book cover appeared correctly on the site.
Most of the men who talk in the book and the Swift Boat Veteran organization served with, above, or under John Kerry. Patrol boats didn't go out in ones (Too easy to get lost, stolen, blown up, etc.) so they would go out in 2s, 4s, and 6s, the same boat didn't have a lot to do with it, especially since the boats could be intermixed and the did land recon together as a small platoon. I doubt they knew everything that John Kerry did in Vietnam, I grant that, but I just wanted to correct that.