
About:Blank Windows 98 Terrible Turmoil

My Windows 98 computer has caught the about_:blank nonsense. I've been reading solutions from many sites, and found the solutions posted here to be the most helpful. Yet there are still some problems for me, which other people have voiced in other threads.

I've been able to delete the visible .dll file in the System folder, but am having trouble locating the hidden .dll with Prcview. As in other cases, Prcview seems to show long lists of .dll files, all of which are legitimate and check out when the C drive is searched.

At first I wondered if I really was getting a list of all the .dll files that were actually being used. I had an Explorer window open, and all seemed right with the way I had done it, but then I began to wonder about Runme9x.

I'm probably writing "stupid" across my face here, but I don't seem to be able to find Runme9x. I wondered if it was a part of Prcview, or if it is supposed to be installed along with Windows 98, but it doesn't show up on the C drive, and neither does Runme. Thinking it may be downloadable from the web, I searched for Runme9x on a few different search engines, and only turned up about 8 different websites. They were all discussing either 1- that runme9x must be used with prcview to find the about:blank hidden dll, 2- that runme9x is hard to find, 3- something in a language I don't speak.

I've tried to find a "smiley" for my specific situation, but I can't find one showing someone's head being twisted off, burned, and smashed. So I'll just use "happy birthday" and let you imagine the rest. :birthday:
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