What has Nvidia got up its sleeve?
Birmingham, UK
In their usual manner, Nvidia appear to be up to something. The companies Platform PR Manager Bryan Del Rizzo has quietly sent out the below logo to a few websites around the web. Many of those sites have been speculating that the reason behind this is that Nvidia are soon going to release some new WHQL certified nForce drivers. Another possible alternative to new drivers might be the release of the highly anticipated nForce overclocking utility, but that is even more speculative than that of the nForce driver rumour. It appears everyone will just have to wait and see. The release, of whatever it's going to be, is apparently scheduled for early next week.
Thanks to www.warp2search.net for the heads up on this.
Thanks to www.warp2search.net for the heads up on this.
This utility, and new nForce2 drivers are expected in another 2 weeks.