MSN Messenger links
Yah-Der-Hey (Wisconsin)
Ok, I know MSN Messenger and IE are made by m$, so it makes sense that they trick MSN into opening links *only* in IE, no matter what you set the Default Browser to. I hate regular IE. Is there any way (plugin, hack, reg key, etc) I can force MSN Messenger into using MyIE2 to open links?
If you find out.. let us all know I think!
Use Trillian.
Someone over at the MsgPlus! forums (i went there to suggest it as a feature) informed me it works with most browsers, Firefox included, but for some stupid reason it refuses to recognize Maxthon/MyIE2 as the default browser. What craptastical luck.
"Content Type"="text/html"
"Content Type"="text/html"
@="C:\\Program Files\\Maxthon\\Maxthon.exe,0"
@="\"C:\\Program Files\\Maxthon\\Maxthon.exe\" \"%1\""