My 433 showing up as 333...

JustinJustin Atlanta
edited September 2004 in Hardware
Just put in the new Kingmax 3500 and it is only showing up as 333 mHz... Tried two stix and won't even boot, cpu not functioning when bumping the 2500+ Barton up to a 3200+ (per Sig), What am I not doing here? Dual Channel possible with this?


  • JustinJustin Atlanta
    edited August 2004
    Should I try to set the bios manually, Multiplier and FSB, rather than just adjust the Setting from 2500+ to 3200+? Boots now but still being picked up as 333. I am don't thnk that the BIOS settings would realy have anything to do with the RAM peing picked up incorrectly but maybe. Kinda noobin' out here... Are there any BIOS settings specifically that I should look at?
  • ShortyShorty Manchester, UK Icrontian
    edited August 2004
    More than likely the chip is holding you back.

    Upped the Vcore for the processor :)
  • JustinJustin Atlanta
    edited August 2004
    What would you suggest I up it to?
  • edcentricedcentric near Milwaukee, Wisconsin Icrontian
    edited August 2004
    Set everything manually in the bios. Any presets might force things into specific configurations. Also check memory voltage. The default for the mem may be higher than the default on the mobo.
    I presume that you are running the memory syncronus, a ratio of 1:1.
    And that you are running the fsb at 200.
    The stock multiplier is 11 ( I think) so if you use 9.5 you will have a modest OC.

    To be honest with good cooling you should be able to leave the multi at 11x, but that will take more volts on the cpu.
  • JustinJustin Atlanta
    edited August 2004
    I am going to shoot for 11x200. I am thinking put Mem v at 2.9, I don't get the option of 1/1 but am I correct that 3/3 or 6/6 is the same thing? What should I set the cpu voltage to? (Per sig) Should this maybe go to the OC forum?
  • edcentricedcentric near Milwaukee, Wisconsin Icrontian
    edited August 2004
    First get everything stable, then we will OC.
    What does it want to set as SPD for the memory? 3,3,3,11??? Start there, but at that low of speed it should run at least 2.5. If that works try going down to 2,2,2,11.
    3:3 is fine.
    I would only up the cpu voltage one step right now. Let's see the memory working first.
  • JustinJustin Atlanta
    edited August 2004
    It shows like 3/4/4/8 but that is when it registers at 333. I am at work right now so I can't get to setting the voltages and timings and whatnot till tonight but I will have this thread running right next to me when I do.
  • JustinJustin Atlanta
    edited August 2004
    Still Showing Up as 333 aftre voltage change. Post at 11x180 and 190 but Ram will not get to 400Mhz. What now?
  • JustinJustin Atlanta
    edited August 2004
    Upped CPU Voltage to 1.9 and it will post as 400mHz, But reboots at windows and then freezes when I select "Start Windows NOrmally". ANy suggestions?
  • mmonninmmonnin Centreville, VA
    edited August 2004
    Lower the multipler if you can.
  • Omega65Omega65 Philadelphia, Pa
    edited August 2004
    Your CPU probably cant do 11 * 200mhz = 2200

    Is your CPU unlocked? if it is try 9x multi
    9x 200mhz = 1800mhz (stock speed)

    Also is your NF7 mobo a version 2 or a v1.0, v1.1. Many of the v1.x series mobos couldn't do 200mhz at all.
  • botheredbothered Manchester UK
    edited August 2004
    I got my xp3200, nf7s and 1G Kingsmax all together, I wanted another brand of memory but they didn't have it. When I put it together the CPU came up as 2500, I took the memory back and they tested it, it was ok. I tried everything but it would never work. In the end I took the memory back again and told them I wanted to change it. I got some Corsair and all the problems went away. Kingsmax RAM and nf72 do not work with XP 3200. At least it didn't for me, I spent a full day messing around with it, Change the RAM!
  • JustinJustin Atlanta
    edited August 2004
    I am not in a situatio to change the RAM for new, however, where could I update the BIOS. maybe?
  • mmonninmmonnin Centreville, VA
    edited August 2004 is there site.
  • JustinJustin Atlanta
    edited September 2004
    I dl'd flash menu from abit, it updated my BIoS to -26 from 20. I am not sure if I am on ver 2.0 or not, considering the issues I am having, I am thinking I am not... ALso, if I Flash to 2.0, will that even work if my board is not 2.0? I am a little lost on this issue. I have the disk ready to go to flash to 2.0 but can my board even support it? :banghead:
  • Omega65Omega65 Philadelphia, Pa
    edited September 2004
    The NF7-S V2.0 is an updated version from the NF7-S v1.x with a newer version of the NF2 chipset and other improvements.

    You can't BIOS Flash a board from a 1.x version to a 2.0 version. If you try you may end up with a completely dead mobo.
  • JustinJustin Atlanta
    edited September 2004
    Well, crap.... So assuming that I have a v 1.x board, I am stuck at stock speeds, huh?
  • Omega65Omega65 Philadelphia, Pa
    edited September 2004
    Remove the baord from the case and verify which version you have. Also have you tried to change the Mulitplier. (Try 10X - FSB166) Set Memory to Auto (Or SPD)

    You may just have a Non Ocing 2500+. Sell it and buy a XP Mobile (2400+ or 2500+)
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