reByte NAS insight...

maxfiormaxfior Ohio
edited August 2004 in Hardware
Hello all, I just wanted to give a few insights to reByte. I am a dealer of the product and also an end user. My web site is: there is plenty of information on it and will give most a nice understanding of what a reByte is and how everyone could benefit from using one at home, the office or business. Data backup is VERY important, I know this (and I am sure that many others do...) because I have been a victim of the infamous hard drive crash... A reByte is a small card that hooks to the primary IDE channel on your motherboard and turns (2) hard drives of the same size in to a RAID backup device. After tossing it on your network you now have the ability to backup all your clients without worrying about loosing data. Since it's a Network Attached Server, you can stream movies off it, music and copy all those downloads to it, that have been taking up space on your main system.
I just want everyone to know that I absolutely LOVE my reByte, I was so HAPPY with it; I had to offer these kits to my friends and others that visit my web site. On my site there is a link where you can save $5.00 off your order. Keep in mind that you really have nothing to lose, since there is a 30 day money back guarantee and as long as you have a spare PC around.
I hope some of you check it out, I bet you'll enjoy it as much as I do, and have that piece of mind that your data is being backed up with out issue! Any questions or comments can be sent to me via email... Thanks all!


  • ketoketo Occupied. Or is it preoccupied? Icrontian
    edited August 2004
    Gimme an S!
    Gimme a P!
    Gimme an A!
    Gimme an M!

    What's that spell?

    mmmm lunchmeat.
  • maxfiormaxfior Ohio
    edited August 2004
    I was actually replying to this thread:

    I assure you this is not spam, I'm just trying to spread the word on a good product that can benefit people. Thanks.
  • ketoketo Occupied. Or is it preoccupied? Icrontian
    edited August 2004
    Allow me to define 'reply' for you, in the context of a bb.

    Never mind.
  • TexTex Dallas/Ft. Worth
    edited August 2004
    Is there no mods to remove this thread? This needs moved to the for sale section or deleted

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