US Broadband Connections Cross 50 Percent Mark

edited August 2004 in Science & Tech
According to report released today by Nielsen Netratings, more than half of US online households have access to a broadband connection, outpacing dial-up services for the first time.
The market research firm found that broadband connections are still gaining ground rapidly, while the number of overall Internet access accounts stalls. One year ago, 38 percent of US households with Internet access used a type of broadband connection. In July 2004, that figured had jumped to 51 percent. Sixty-three million Web users connected to the Internet via broadband during July 2004 as compared to 61.3 million accessing the Internet through narrowband. Overall growth for broadband connections rose 47 percent year-over-year, while narrowband dropped 13 percent annually.
Source: Tom's Hardware Guide
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