what's that site again...???
I came across a website here one time that sold pre-built systems. You can customize what you want in it. I apparently forgot to put it in my favorites
They had all sorts of crazy colorful futuristic looking cases and good prices...I think if I saw the URL I'd remember it, so could you guys list anything that sounds something like this vague description?
Thanks in advance
They had all sorts of crazy colorful futuristic looking cases and good prices...I think if I saw the URL I'd remember it, so could you guys list anything that sounds something like this vague description?
Thanks in advance
for some reason I think it started with a "C"...man, where did my memory go :banghead:
It was really like just buying all the components yourself, they just put it together for ya. They had good prices on the parts and there were a couple of cases on there that were decent "pre-modded" looking deals.
I'd actually like the site more for referring friends/family to it, than I would for myself. Although when the time comes around for building my next one, you never know how lazy I'm going to feel
I'll throw in another vote for a DIY job!
At this point its a just a mission to remember that damn site...when I do I'm throwing a party for all of us :celebrate ...
I do believe that is the place I was at before. Know any other sites that are of this same nature that may fit my description...just to be sure haha.
Anyone have any experience with this site?
WOOHOOO :celebrate :Rocker: :woowoo: :headbange