Work Computer = Reboot, Me != Work

croc_croc_ New
edited August 2004 in Hardware
I hope it doesn't reboot while I'm typing this.

Comp specs:
2500+ Barton
2x512 Kingston Value Ram (ddr400)
Shuttle MN31N Motherboard (nforce2 IGP)
40GB WD 7200 8mb
Samsung Floppy
Antec Smartpower 350

Computer has worked flawlessly ever since it was built. One day it started getting lots of memory errors and rebooting randomly (even when just idle). After that day (didn't change anything) it just stopped and was working just fine up until today.

It is spyware/malware/virus/whatever-free, running windows xp pro. I tried running the ram in different banks, single channel and each stick separately. Still reboots. I want to run MEMTEST but I can't seem to get it to work.

Anyone else have any suggestions?


  • mmonninmmonnin Centreville, VA
    edited August 2004
    What are your voltages looking like?
  • croc_croc_ New
    edited August 2004
    CPU - 1.63~1.64
    Chipset - 1.7
    3.3 - 3.29~3.32
    5 - 5.05
    12 - 12.03
  • ketoketo Occupied. Or is it preoccupied? Icrontian
    edited August 2004
    I would have said power supply another one you can use to test?
  • croc_croc_ New
    edited August 2004
    No extra PSU around here. I would think its the RAM over the PSU, but I can't get memtest to work. Also could be a crappy mobo? *shrug* Thing is its hard to test, because it doesn't do it on command ... Its been running for a few hours now with no errors.
  • mmonninmmonnin Centreville, VA
    edited August 2004
    Thats why we think its a PSU. It happens at random with a PSU.

    How about temps. You are OCed.
  • croc_croc_ New
    edited August 2004
    Temps are fine, not overclocked ... was actually running underclocked for awhile.
  • croc_croc_ New
    edited August 2004
    Would a PSU cause memory related errors in windows? Would it be the power going TO the PSU?? Its happend like 3 times total, 3 different days and only for that ONE day.
  • ketoketo Occupied. Or is it preoccupied? Icrontian
    edited August 2004
    I would expect that if you have surges or drops in power thru your mobo, about anything you can possibly imagine *could* happen. Not that I've heard of that specific problem before tho.

    If we're right, keep in mind a bad PSU can take out a lotta stuff when it goes, I'd get it checked asap.
  • profdlpprofdlp The Holy City Of Westlake, Ohio
    edited August 2004
    You say memtest won't work. What happens when you try it?
  • ThraxThrax 🐌 Austin, TX Icrontian
    edited August 2004
    I think it's a memory error. I don't think it's PSU at all.
  • PressXPressX Working! New
    edited August 2004
    I have just fixed a PC with a problem very similar. Turned out the CPU was creating the reboots. (Worked it out after Testing everything - RAM, PSU, MOBO) I put a new CPU in and all was well. Put the old one back to confirm and within a few mins reboot... Although this is commonly associated with Ram or PSU, think about the CPU as well...
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