ABit VA-10 not Posting?
I am putting a Athlon XP 1600 in there and I noticed that there is a resistor(?) sticking up right in the middle of the socket that seems to keep the CPU from laying all the way down in the socket. I am afraid to bend this thing down for fear of shorting something out. What should I do?
Did you ever find the problem here? I just got this board yesterday, and today I'm on my second one. I can't get it to post for the life of me. Tested CPU, tested PSU, new memory. I'd be very surprised if I got two straight DOA boards. There must be something I'm missing. No beeps though - so I don't even have a clue what's wrong.
Make sure you have a sensor type fan hooked to the cpu fan header. That board threw me for a loop too when I got it and wouldn't post, would only briefly power up then power down. It wouldn't even get to the post beep either. When I plugged a sensor type Sunon fan into the cpu fan header it posted up fine though. Also, are you hooking up the 12v P4 connector to the board? It's located right above the cmos battery. I never tried booting mine without that P4 connector hooked up but if you don't have it hooked up that might be the problem too.
I finally figured out my problem - stupid me. Although the RAM was brand new (fresh out of the box) I hadn't tested it in another computer. Turns out it was bad (brand was Centon FWIW). So, I guess as a heads up to people using this board - you will not get beeps (even warning beeps) if the board has no memory in it, nor will you get them if the board has bad memory. This may be common - I've only put together a few machines - but it is frustrating because you can't tell if you're making progress when there is no beep code.