Getting Windows to reread and reinstall drivers for USB - Ingenue

edited August 2004 in Hardware
This has to do with a new External HD I just bought, but it's a general problem I have with USB, and I wasn't really sure where to ask.

The problem I'm having is with Windows reading a new device and attempting to install drivers accordingly. The issue I have currently is about plugging my new External HD in to a USB port. When I did so, Windows started up installing things for USB. Most of them were going by too fast for me to read. It stopped however because it could not find a specific file, "hidusb.sys". I screwed up and told it to be skipped by accident. The HD is not read as a new drive (It should appear in My Computer and the USB connection should show up in the taskbar, but neither occur). The HD seems completely fine, and I this has happened with other devices like a digital camera.

All I really need to know is how to get the computer to run through those installers again so I can choose the right files this time (I found hidusb.sys online). I am running Windows ME on this computer. I also had this problem in XP over reading an external cable modem and not being able to run the install program over (it's all automatic, popping up, but it will only do it once).

Thank you

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