FCC Chairman Calls For New Telecom Laws

edited August 2004 in Science & Tech
The head of the Federal Communications Commission said on Monday that the nation's telecommunications laws, written before the rise of the Internet, are "broken" and need to be fixed by Congress.
"Is the current law broken and we need a new one? Of course," said FCC Chairman Michael Powell. The law is "dated--it does not match reality anymore." Powell's comments at a Progress and Freedom Foundation conference here mark his strongest criticism yet of the 1934 and 1996 telecommunications acts, which created arcane regulatory categories that do not clearly include the Internet. That lack of clarity has bedeviled regulators and left entrepreneurs puzzled about what laws might eventually apply to their businesses.
How about being a little more specific here Mr. Chairman? You leave us all wondering what's next, and it's a bit scary. -KF

Source: c|net
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