
Deleting About:Blank .dll Need help in dos

Hey guys. I tried about buster and it found the .dll thats causing this problem but can't remove it for some reason. SO I tried to remove it manually but I'm getting stuck. Here's what I've tried:

Reboot in safe mode
command rpompt only
cd windows
cd system32 and.... blam I get a prompt that says path unknown. I'm running windows xp and I don't know why its saying this. can anyone please help me. Thanks for your time.


  • DexterDexter Vancouver, BC Canada
    edited August 2004
    Are you positive that you typed it correctly?

  • edited August 2004
    Yup, I typed it in correctly. The funny thing is that when I log in safe mode it has my user account icon and then an administrator icon. I can't login to the admin account b/c I don't have the password. The funny thing is that I never setup a password. My account has all admin privledges. I'm confused here. When I'm in Dos it reads "C:\Documents and Setting user account\... " then I type in cd windows -> cd system32 and it reads path unknown. Any suggestions. BTW thanks for all help you've been giving dexter.
  • DexterDexter Vancouver, BC Canada
    edited August 2004
    The admin account may not have a password at all then, try leaving it blank.

    Ahh, there's your problem, you are starting in the Docs and Sets folder, but tying CD commands from there to directories that are not subs in that one.

    When you first get to DOS, type:

    cd\ (enter)

    The (enter of course meaning to press the enter key.)

    This will take you to the root folder. Then type:

    cd windows (enter)

    cd system32 (enter)

    Or, right from when you get to DOS, type:

    cd\windows\system32 (enter)

    Let me know if that helps....

  • edited August 2004
    OK, I tried to leave the password blank but it asks for a password and won't let me get any further than that. My XP pro has 2 accounts, my wife's and myself, but when it loads in safe mode it shows an admin account and then my account...it doesn't show my wife's account. I think if I can login under the admin account, everything else will go smooth. I tried going in to the control panel to figure out the account situation but no luck. The both of us have admin privleges...and neither one of us have any passwords set up. Man, this is crazy... Is there any way to figure out the password? Thanks dex
  • DexterDexter Vancouver, BC Canada
    edited August 2004
    If it does not show your wife's account, then she is probably the primary Admin account. Try her password.

  • edited August 2004
    I wish I could but she has no password set for her account. However, I tried the password that she would have used and still nothing. :(
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