Deleting About:Blank .dll Need help in dos
Hey guys. I tried about buster and it found the .dll thats causing this problem but can't remove it for some reason. SO I tried to remove it manually but I'm getting stuck. Here's what I've tried:
Reboot in safe mode
command rpompt only
cd windows
cd system32 and.... blam I get a prompt that says path unknown. I'm running windows xp and I don't know why its saying this. can anyone please help me. Thanks for your time.
Reboot in safe mode
command rpompt only
cd windows
cd system32 and.... blam I get a prompt that says path unknown. I'm running windows xp and I don't know why its saying this. can anyone please help me. Thanks for your time.
Ahh, there's your problem, you are starting in the Docs and Sets folder, but tying CD commands from there to directories that are not subs in that one.
When you first get to DOS, type:
cd\ (enter)
The (enter of course meaning to press the enter key.)
This will take you to the root folder. Then type:
cd windows (enter)
cd system32 (enter)
Or, right from when you get to DOS, type:
cd\windows\system32 (enter)
Let me know if that helps....