FSB Question
I have an old motherboard the only supports 200fsb processors. I have a 1400 mhz T-Bird that runs 266fsb, It fully multiplier unlocked, is their a way to force it to auto detect as a 200fsb 1400mhz T-bird? It only comes up now as a 1050mhz. Thanks, Adam
I had a 400 FSB barton and i threw it in a 333 fsb board and it picked it up wrong but i adjhusted it in the bios and it worked fine
It probably does support 266, it just isnt on the packaging.
If so pencil over the bridges and set the 14x in bios.
If not you will need to dig out the old bridge instructions and figure whitch bridges to cut and join to make it 100x14 instead of 133x10.5
If there is any fsb adjustments in bios or by jumper you can get it close to regular operating speed by a 110-112 fsb combined with the 12.5 multi, but I kind of doubt that Gateway gives you any fsb speed adjustments. It's probably an old KT133(not KT133A) chipset board, which weren't stable past around 112-118 fsb anyways.
Anyways, here's a pic of what you have to do to convert that old Tbird to a 12.5 multi: