the dreaded home search hijack

To anyone that can help. I have the hsa hijack on my pc. I've tried to follow the home search removal guide, but when I get to the steps involving About blaster and try to run it I get a "file missing" error. Ive tried to download numerous copies with the same result. Any suggestions????


  • DexterDexter Vancouver, BC Canada
    edited August 2004
    Do you mean that you cannot download it from the link provided, or from anywhere else?

  • edited August 2004
    After I unzip and try to run it says it can't because it's missing a file...mscomctl.ocx or one of it's dependencies is not correctly registered or is missing or invalid.
  • edited August 2004
    Hello all.
    It looks as though i've slain the monster, even w/o about blaster!!! :celebrate :thumbsup:
    thanks for the help!!!!
  • DexterDexter Vancouver, BC Canada
    edited August 2004
    Glad to hear it :)

    Please read our article on Defeating Spyware for tips on how to improve your Internet Explorer security, or to learn how to switch to a different browser. For more general information about spyware read this page.

    If you are running Windows XP, and have not yet upgraded to Service Pack 2, please do so, especially if you plan to stay on Internet Explorer. SP2 introduces some security features to help protect you from unwanted downloads in Internet Explorer. Upgrade to XP Service Pack 2 here, courtesy of Short-Media's downloads section.

    Finally, if you have not already done so, please take the time to find out more about Folding For a Cure, a good cause by which your computer uses it's spare power to help search for cures to diseases. We would love to have you on our Team.

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