FAH Linux error
Missouri Member
I just installed Red Hat Linux 9. I'm a big n00b to linux, and I just wanted to mess around with it and try and learn a thing or two. Anyways... I get this error when I try and launch FAH.
Note: Please read the license agreement (FAH.exe -license). Further
use of this software requires that you have read and accepted this agreement.
--- Opening Log file [July 29 02:41:03]
# Linux Console Edition #######################################################
Folding@home Client Version 3.24
[02:41:03] - Ask before connecting: No
[02:41:03] - User name: MyNewName5333 (Team 93)
[02:41:03] - User ID not found locally
[02:41:03] + Requesting User ID from server
Segmentation fault
Any ideas? Thanks.
Note: Please read the license agreement (FAH.exe -license). Further
use of this software requires that you have read and accepted this agreement.
--- Opening Log file [July 29 02:41:03]
# Linux Console Edition #######################################################
Folding@home Client Version 3.24
[02:41:03] - Ask before connecting: No
[02:41:03] - User name: MyNewName5333 (Team 93)
[02:41:03] - User ID not found locally
[02:41:03] + Requesting User ID from server
Segmentation fault
Any ideas? Thanks.