Mandrake 9.2Beta 1 mini-report\first look

Mandrake 9.2 Beta 1 is a beta, but better than 9.1 was as far as quality overall goes. It found my networking (Internet only, Comcast, which beta 1,2 and 3 of 9.1 could not),installed the printer right (Samsung ML1210 Laser, 9.1 installed right also), KDE behaved rigth off the bat, URPMI actually cascaded from curl to wgetforfetching on its own when curl failed, and once I went to PLF and told it where on the ftp server the updates got placed at it happily spoent an hour auto-updatinbg and proved smart enough to actually do it in such a way that KDE survived a reboot (updating of urpmi was done from a Konsole session, which has been a RAD no-no up to this point and which I did with a full copy of my 9.1 install out of the computer and a HD I could wipe in the computer).
Koffice was kinda broken from CD install, missing the Koffice core-- have not had a minute to see if the updating fixed this yet. As and if I get Opera running on 9.2 I will check(have not tried yet, am in Opera 7.11 on Mandrake 9.1 now though the logs there should say somethign about IE and it does look like it right now as the XP theme is running in Opera in KDE to compliment KDE's Keramic theming in Mandrake 9.1) and maybe give you all some screen shots of 9.2 beta 1 if you want.
The kernel is essentially the same as in Mandrake 9.1, expect same hardwarebase support as in 9.1. This beta is not a kernel test beta, they stuck KDE 3.1.2 in and new gcc, gcc-c++, etc.
If anyone wants more detailed info, I can play some and will let you use me as SIMPLE kind of guinea pig (no hardware purchasing, software questions only for now please).
Some FTP notes:
I picked up beta 1 on as it is one of the faster mirrors for me in the world. I grabbed 2 Frees, RH Severn, Slack 9.0, and ML 9.2 Beta 1 so I got a good average calc over a large FTP session to that site. The Slack 9 ISO they had prebuilt there was 662.8 MB (true MB) and took 1 hour and 10 minutes to download(abotu 161 KB/sec). Mandrake came down at same rate. For some reason Slack was tib slower. Average came out to about 149-150 KB/sec. In contrast, ibiblio is about 80% of that speed as it is a lot busier.
Koffice was kinda broken from CD install, missing the Koffice core-- have not had a minute to see if the updating fixed this yet. As and if I get Opera running on 9.2 I will check(have not tried yet, am in Opera 7.11 on Mandrake 9.1 now though the logs there should say somethign about IE and it does look like it right now as the XP theme is running in Opera in KDE to compliment KDE's Keramic theming in Mandrake 9.1) and maybe give you all some screen shots of 9.2 beta 1 if you want.
The kernel is essentially the same as in Mandrake 9.1, expect same hardwarebase support as in 9.1. This beta is not a kernel test beta, they stuck KDE 3.1.2 in and new gcc, gcc-c++, etc.
If anyone wants more detailed info, I can play some and will let you use me as SIMPLE kind of guinea pig (no hardware purchasing, software questions only for now please).
Some FTP notes:
I picked up beta 1 on as it is one of the faster mirrors for me in the world. I grabbed 2 Frees, RH Severn, Slack 9.0, and ML 9.2 Beta 1 so I got a good average calc over a large FTP session to that site. The Slack 9 ISO they had prebuilt there was 662.8 MB (true MB) and took 1 hour and 10 minutes to download(abotu 161 KB/sec). Mandrake came down at same rate. For some reason Slack was tib slower. Average came out to about 149-150 KB/sec. In contrast, ibiblio is about 80% of that speed as it is a lot busier.