AMD Provides Additional Dual Core Details
More details of the dual core tech AMD will release next year have been made available to some partners by the company.
Source: The InquirerA document we have seen by Rich Brunner, an AMD fellow, and entitled AMD64 Status Report for the Kernel Summit, starts off by saying that Linux has become a proving ground for 64-bit computing, with over 15 distributions and community projects offering AMD64 versions for servers and for desktops. AMD repeats that CPUs using AMD64 and direct connect architecture were always designed to add a second core. Each core will have separate L1 and L2 cache hierarchies, with an existing portbar existing on the crossbar, and level two caches likely to be 512K or 1MB. The CPUs will share an integrated north bridge and host bridge interface, but there may be a 10% hit on application dependent resource contention.