Ever'thing's all milestones around here...
All of the hot threads, at the time of my posting this, are from the "Notable Milestones" category. Is there a way to form a seperate "hot threads" that just contains milestones, and one that DOES NOT include milestones? This is getting ridiculous!:banghead:
The milestones cannot be filtered from the hot threads at the moment due to a bug. Im workin on a workaround though
The "get new posts" carries the same problem. Thank Mr Vbulletin for it
/me stops being sarcastic: "Thank you, Shorty!"
/me stops being sarcastic: "Thank you, Shorty!"
I've really done it now! Next thing you know my user name will be changed or something!
Nah, I wouldn't do that .. honestly.. I wouldn't .. really.. yeah.. really...