Vote Tabulator Security Hole Exposed
A manipulation technique has been found in the Diebold central tabulator -- 1,000 of these systems are in place, and they count up to two million votes at a time.
Source: Black Box VotingBy entering a 2-digit code in a hidden location, a second set of votes is created. This set of votes can be changed, so that it no longer matches the correct votes. The voting system will then read the totals from the bogus vote set. It takes only seconds to change the votes, and to date not a single location in the U.S. has implemented security measures to fully mitigate the risks. This program is not "stupidity" or sloppiness. It was designed and tested over a series of a dozen version adjustments.
One thing that really piqued my curiousity was a comment on that site that (I'm paraphrasing here since the site is now down) "There are so many flaws in the diebold tabulator that it appears almost designed for vote tampering"
If you are in a county that uses the Diebold machines, I would highly recommend talking to your voting authorities about the security and reliability of these machines. It's very scary to me that these may be used in the upcoming presidential elections.
also from Kingfish: Calif. Whistleblowers Sue Diebold