City Of Brotherly Love May Embrace Wi-Fi

edited September 2004 in Science & Tech
Philadelphia is the latest metro area to look into offering wireless hot-spot service.
Dianah Neff, the city's chief information officer, held a last-minute press conference on Wednesday, at which she said she is accepting proposals from companies interested in setting up Wi-Fi equipment in Philadelphia. The project would make Internet service available to people with computers equipped to use the Wi-Fi standard for wireless Internet connectivity. Neff expects to have recommendations for the city's mayor, John Street, by the end of the year. A committee has been appointed to examine the consequences and benefits of a citywide wireless network. The plan calls for the city to decide whether to move forward with a program by February and have a service up a year after the decision is made.
Are they going to be sued by the RIAA by facilitating a network that makes it easy to pirate songs? -KF

Source: c|net
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