Hard drive gone missing?
Greetings all, I have kind of an emergency I guess. My daughter needs a computer pretty quick and I can't afford a new one so I dusted a win98 off that's been in the closet for a couple of years and was working fine then, has a ton of ram, nice A/V stuff, etc. The problem is that it starts and says "no fixed drive". I checked and it looks like everything that's supposed to be plugged in is, and nothing seems to be rattling around in the drive. I'm sure the battery is dead, but that shouldnt cause this problem should it?
Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated as she needs it pretty quick for studies and such.
Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated as she needs it pretty quick for studies and such.

You could try taking the hard drive out of the old computer, put it on your current computer as second device on a ribbon cable to try it. Jumpers on the back of the drive may have to be changed to either 'Slave' or 'Cable Select' for this to work.
I assume that you still have the original discs to doa reinstall.
Also, Keto
can you elaborate on how/why smoking causes a hdd to seize?
anyways with ALL pc parts it is reccomended not to smoke around them, as this film can eventually impede heatsinks, clog up fans, and gum up moving parts over time.